The view from Zacheta

The view from Zacheta
Włodzimierz Pawlak - Poles form the national flag

domenica 28 agosto 2011

A chilled wave (sara' un'estate freddissima...)

A mixtape with some of my favourite tracks of the year (so far).

1. Washed Out – Soft
2. John Maus – Hey moon
3. R E A L M A G I C – No things left
4. Nicolas Jaar – Space is only noise if you can see
5. Radiohead – The butcher
6. Bon Iver – Holocene
7. Wild Beasts – Reach a bit further
8. Yourself and the air – Trampolines
9. The pains of being pure at heart – The body
10. Cold Cave – Pacing the church
11. And so I watch you from afar – 7 Billion people all alive at once
12. Wu Lyf – Cave song
13. Iceage - Remember

You can strem it here.

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